replica designer watches Our Guarantees

 > Our Guarantees


Find below, all of our guarantees for our products, our units motors and our services.

Pumps and Boosters
Our boosters and sewage pumps benefit from a 2 YEARS* guarantee
Our high efficiency circulators benefit from :
a 5 YEARS* guarantee for the Premium ranges
a 3 YEARS* guarantee for the standard ranges
Motor units / Pumps motors and spare parts
The guarantees are as following :
  • Motor units
    2 YEARS*
  • Pumps motors
    2 YEARS*
  • Spare parts
    2 YEARS*
Replaced parts and components are guaranteed for 6 months** if they fall within :
  • A factory repair
  • An on-site repair (after sales guarantees)
* Manufacture date.       ** Billing date.