replica designer watches Our human resources

About Salmson ® > Our human resources

Our human resources

We are organised on a human scale, striving for authenticity in our relationships with our staff and customers. The company owes its development to committed teams, who are constantly seeking out the challenges of tomorrow and the projects of the future, so that they can play a crucial role in the major revolutions that will take place in the water and HVAC sectors.

Each and every employee has the opportunity to express their talent and pursue a fulfilling career, with opportunities for advancement in France and abroad.

Wilo Salmson France SAS is a signatory of the Diversity Charter (since August 2010). In accordance with the company philosophy, this Charter enables the company to assert its commitment as a "responsible" employer in combating all forms of discrimination (recruitment, training and career management).

This gives a framework to assert and demonstrate its strong social commitment, and pledges to promote diversity in its workforce.

salmson | recrutement


Professional training promotes internal mobility within the company.

The Wilo SE group has an international culture, which enables career development for production and sales jobs in particular (France - Export), according to the job profiles and skills acquired.

  • Training of technicians

Given the specificity and diversity of its products, comprehensive training is provided before technicians are allocated (Laval production site or sales network).


Contributing to the challenges of tomorrow with us. Are you looking for a job in a dynamic, booming company? Do you want to give your career a new lease of life? Wilo Salmson France is the employer that can live up to your ambitions.

To apply (please send a CV and covering letter) click here